Use "gallantry|gallantries" in a sentence

1. Spare me your gallantry.

2. Chivalry: Gallantry, courtesy and honor

3. He won a medal for gallantry.

4. The focus is on gallantry, derring-do, honest pluck.

5. Vietnamese cross of gallantry with a silver star, gallantry in ground combat, four air medals, an " I was there " ribbon

6. No posthumous awards are given, except for gallantry.

7. Synonyms for Braveries include courages, darings, nerves, fearlessnesses, pluck, gallantries, guts, heroisms, intrepidities and boldnesses

8. He was awarded a cross for gallantry in combat.

9. Brevetted captain and major for gallantry in the Mexican War

10. Courtesy, politeness, gallantry, courtliness, gentlemanliness He always treated women with old-fashioned chivalry

11. 1847: Breveted Major for special gallantry after Battle of Buena Vista

12. Inside the mansion, the hostages have displayed gallantry, solidarity and stoicism.

13. Courteous definition is - marked by polished manners, gallantry, or ceremonial usage of a court

14. Even Sir Leicester's gallantry has some trouble to keep pace with her.

15. The speech praised those who had displayed gallantry in the liberation of their country.

16. Courteous definition is - marked by polished manners, gallantry, or ceremonial usage of a court

17. All received extensive training in the rules of gallantry, polite decorum, poetry, and music.

18. Synonyms for Courageousness include bottle, bravery, courage, daring, daringness, dauntlessness, doughtiness, fearlessness, gallantry and greatheartedness

19. Synonyms for Courteousness include civility, courtesy, genteelness, gentility, graciousness, mannerliness, politeness, consideration, gallantry and manners

20. Antonyms for Cravenness include bravery, courage, courageousness, daring, dauntlessness, doughtiness, fearlessness, gallantry, greatheartedness and guts

21. Antonyms for Cowardliness include bravery, courage, courageousness, daring, dauntlessness, doughtiness, fearlessness, gallantry, greatheartedness and guts

22. French painter noted for his exuberant scenes of gallantry, such as The Embarkation for Cythera ( 1717 ).

23. Some pertinent, details of London issued Czechoslovak gallantry and campaign medals awarded to Czechoslovak airmen during WW2

24. Fetterman, who had been Breveted a lieutenant-colonel for his gallantry in the Civil War, claimed seniority.

25. Attentions definition: acts of consideration , courtesy , or gallantry indicating affection or love Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

26. (usually plural) an act of consideration, courtesy, or gallantry indicating affection or love: Attentions given to a lover

27. Gallantry is a weakness of the heart, or perhaps a constitutional defect; Coquetry is an irregularity of the mind

28. It is my great pleasure to present you with a Silver Star for your exceptional heroism and gallantry in combat operations.

29. 9 An incredible horror-barely mitigated by the gallantry award and hero's status he had earned by staking his own life.

30. The gallantry and Coquettery of the 18th century has made it possible that a peek at someone's underclothes was recorderd for future generations

31. ‘The Republic of Viet Nam awarded Petty Officer Molina with the Vietnam Cross of Gallantry,’ reported the military newspaper “Tester,” of Maryland, U.S.A.

32. They had thick bones and great physical strength, combined with a peculiar local character known as "Mito kishitsu," a type of manliness close to gallantry.

33. Joseph Dickinson (Maine) Brevetted for gallantry of staff duty at Gettysburg Created / Published [between 1860 and 1870] Subject Headings - United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865

34. When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, the number of Badges of Gallantry earned from Normal and Intense Ambuscades will be doubled once per Earth day

35. One definition for Attentions gives "acts of courtesy, consideration, or gallantry, especially by a suitor." So now I remember that Attentions always seems to be used romantic contexts

36. All personnel who have earned a gallantry award, were Mentioned in Despatches, died, sustained wounds, or were disabled may be awarded the medal without completing the required time of service.

37. The Araucanian cavalry appeared in appearance formidable, well-armed special long range lances steel-spearheads (armor piercing bodking point), conducted regularly, and showing the riders, ease and no small gallantry

38. During the Mexican-American War, he was twice Brevetted for gallantry, first at the Battle of Cerro Gordo near Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, where he was wounded, and then at the Battle of Chapultepec in Mexico City

39. The Talmud likewise provides the statement "Had the Torah not been given to us, we would have learned modesty from cats, honest toil from ants, chastity from doves and gallantry from cocks" – (Jonathan ben Nappaha.

40. History of Maryland from the Earliest Period to the Present Day by Scharf, John Thomas (1879) "Helton, of Maryland, was Brevetted colonel, " for gallantry and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco,"

41. In particular, Detective Sergeant Terry Hicock, who having tragically lost his life in the line of duty has been singled out for the Queen' s Gallantry Medal for Bravery, along with fellow officer Detective lnspector Alice Frampton

42. But this intrigue of the Antient is a piece of private history, the truth of which my beloved cares not to own, and indeed affects to disbelieve: as she does also some puisny gallantries of her foolish brother; which, by way of recrimination, I have hinted at, without naming my informant in their family.

43. ‘The Amorous Nightingale first came forward almost beside himself with passion.’ ‘Carefully blending Amorous subtlety with a more solid and dense desire, the band sound solid and fluent on stage.’ ‘These works are considered as icons of Amorous pursuits in an age of gallantry and the accompanying and complementary coquetry.’

44. Courageousness: 1 n a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear Synonyms: braveness , bravery , courage Antonyms: cowardice , cowardliness the trait of lacking courage Types: show 11 types hide 11 types heart , mettle , nerve , spunk the courage to carry on gallantry , heroism , valiance , valiancy ,

45. Brevet (military), higher rank that rewards merit or gallantry, but without higher pay Brevet d'état-major, a military distinction in France and Belgium awarded to officers passing military staff college; Aircrew Brevet, an incorrect term for a Flying Badge of Her Majesty's Armed Forces; Parachutist Brevet, a military badge awarded by the Armed Forces of most countries